I want all the Things!!!
Current Achievement Goal: All Pandaren Quest/Scenario Achievements.
Current Pet Goal : Raiding with Leashes II and III.
Current Mount Goal: Ashes of Al'ar.
Current Reputation Goal: Avengers of Hyjal.
Current Pvp Goal: Nemesis Achievements.
Current Pvp Goal: Nemesis Achievements.
- Garrison Duties!
- Pandaland:
- Thundering Pet Daily: Using this fantastic strategy! Easy power level for a baby.
- Halfhill Farm: Plant ore (Geosynchronus World Spinner and Sky-Golem)
- Check for Red Crane Daily set for Champion of Chi-Gi. (Done 3/22/15)
- Check Shado-Pan Dailies for Getting Around with the Shado-Pan (Done 3/22/15)
- Check for Ahone the Wanderer for Firework Toy. (Done 12/29/15)
- Arena of Annihilation Scenario for last scenario achievement In the Eye of the Tiger
(Done 3/31/15) and Queuing Spree.(Done 7/3/15)
- Outland:
- Tempest Keep to complete Raiding with Leashes II (Done 5/10/15) and Ashes of Al'ar
- Black Temple to complete Raiding with Leashes III. (Done 10/18/15)
- Sunwell to complete Raiding with Leashes III. Sunblade Microdefender (Done 7/3/15)
- Cataclysm:
- Firelands for Avengers of Hyjal Rep (Done 1/2/15) and Legendary Staff. (Done 4/4/16)
- General:
- Heroic Daily for Misprinted Coins/Inn dailies.
- Highmaul Raid Weekly for 645 armor.
- Blackrock Foundry raids for armor.
- Harrison Jones Daily When up for Master Relic Hunter. (Done 9/27/15)
- Garrison Campaign Quest to complete The Garrison Campaign. (Done 3/30/15)
- Pvp Warlord of Draenor - Nemesis Achievements. Dranei Destroyer (Done 7/11/16), Dwarfstalker (Done 7/11/16),
Gnomebane, Manslayer (Done 12/13/15) , Scourge of the Kaledori (Done 7/11/16), Terror of the Tushi (Done 7/15/16), Worgen Hunter (Done 7/11/16).
- Random:
- Anything I feel like working on when bored!
*Handy Garrison Building Guide*